IV3 Series Video Manuals

The easy-to-understand video manuals listed below show how to set up the IV3 Series and tips for stable operation.
These video manuals can help you solve problems that may arise during installation and setting.

Wiring, installation, and initial configuration

The videos below show how to wire and install each model of the IV3 Series.

Procedure for wiring, attachment, and installation (separate amplifier types)

This video shows how to wire and install the IV3 Series (separate amplifier types).

Procedure for wiring, attachment, and installation (smart cameras)

This video shows how to wire and install the IV3 Series (smart cameras).

Initial configuration after power on

This video shows the configuration procedure common to all of the IV3 Series models after the first power on.

Basic settings

The videos below show the basic settings of the IV3 Series according to usage.

Smart Image Optimization setting

This video shows how to set image capture conditions, such as brightness and focusing, using the Smart Image Optimization function.

Sorting mode setting

This video shows the procedure for setting the sorting mode that sorts multiple types of products.

Learning tool setting

This video shows the procedure for setting the learning tool that discriminates products simply by registering OK and NG products.

Position adjustment tool setting

This video shows the procedure for setting the position adjustment tool that traces the position and orientation of a target.

Position adjustment specified for each tool using multi-position adjustment

This video shows how to set multi-position adjustment to allow for the position adjustment specified for each detection tool.

Application settings

The videos below show application settings for special purposes by combining multiple functions of the IV3 Series.

Additional learning setting

This video shows the procedure for setting the additional learning that adds OK/NG inspection conditions to the learning tool.

Application setting for detecting multiple magnified points

This video shows the settings for inspecting multiple points freely specified in the field of view while switching them at high speed.

Automatic inspection setting for each process

This video shows how to set the procedure for automatic program switching for multiple processes and to detect the time spent on the procedure.

Automatic retry setting

This video shows how to set an automatic retry to avoid ignorable NG detections.

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